Are you worried that your partner might be seeing other people? It's possible that you suspect your partner of cheating or playing around. I'm sorry you're going through this tough time, but I promise to be there for you.

Sometimes when you're deeply in love, it's difficult to notice the warning signs early on. When you're head over heels, you might completely overlook obvious signs.

Having multiple partners is not necessarily wrong. In a polygamous relationship, honesty allows two people to have multiple partners. However, since you're reading this, it means you're not in that kind of relationship.

So, take a deep breath and let's start reading..."

13 Signs he has Multiple Partners

There is a saying that goes, "Sharing is caring." This is usually true, but it doesn't apply when it comes to sharing your partner.

But how can you tell if someone else is getting a piece of "your cake"? Look out for signs that something isn't right and take action as soon as you notice them.

If you're not sure what signs he has multiple partners, keep reading to find out.

1. He’s never around

...and often without any good reason.

Honestly, it takes a lot of time and effort to juggle multiple partners. As a result, there's a high chance that you won't see him around for long periods of time.

Furthermore, signs he has multiple partners, he will come up with clever excuses to explain his absences. Cheating boyfriends/husbands are very careful. He will feel guilty and try to provide detailed explanations to justify himself. If you pay attention, it's easy to see through his lies.

For instance, he might frequently go on business trips but never invite you to come along. This is a sign that he wants time away from you... and you probably know why!

2. He protects his phone like the CIA

I think privacy is important in a relationship. However, if your partner is overly protective of their phone, it's not a good sign. It's usually a warning sign if they get nervous or worried when you're near and they receive a notification. It suggests that something suspicious is happening on their phone. Another hint is when they make secretive phone calls and rarely answer them in front of you. Some calls might be private, but not all of them.

3. He “accidentally” contracted STD

You cannot get a sexually transmitted disease (STD) without having sex. If you and your partner both have an STD and he claims he doesn't know how it happened, you should be skeptical.

This excuse is very weak and should raise serious concerns. It's a clear sign that something is wrong. Pay attention to this not only for your mental well-being but also for your physical health.

To detect STDs early, make sure to get regular tests. If your partner is hesitant about it, insist on it to uncover the truth.

Read More - Signs He Wants You Badly Sexually

4. Used condoms

"Check the trash for clues. If something suspicious is happening, you might find evidence there. The most common clue is finding used condoms.

Men who have multiple partners usually use condoms to prevent unplanned pregnancies. And where might you find them? At the bottom of your trash.

Also, pay attention to whether the condoms you find are the ones you usually use. This can confirm that he has another partner."

5. Mirror is his new best friend!

Is he suddenly really interested in how he looks? Does he spend a lot of time looking at himself in the mirror and using lots of perfume? Or is he going shopping much more than usual? Hmm, that could be worrying.

It's okay for men to want to look nice. But there's a difference between that and being kind of obsessed with it. Before you make any judgments, make sure to check again.

This could mean that he wants other women to notice him, or he wants to look good for someone special.

So be careful and pay attention to what's going on.

6. He is “tired” in the bedroom

Men are usually interested in sex, unless they are already having it. So, if a man refuses sex and gives excuses like having too much work or being busy with a project, there might be something suspicious going on.

If he lacks energy in the bedroom but seems happy and excited about going to work, don't you think it's worth investigating?

If he has sex with multiple people, it's likely that he will be exhausted afterward and won't have any energy left for you. That's why he might use "work pressure" as an excuse.

The bedroom is a very personal and intimate place for a couple. It can hold secrets and reveal them too. So, pay attention and listen carefully to what is said there. this is 6th signs he has multiple partners.

7. He suddenly doesn’t like public places

If your boyfriend spends time with you in public, there's a greater risk of him being discovered. He might express a desire to have alone time with you away from other people, or mention that he doesn't like others knowing about our relationship.

A caring boyfriend would want to show off your relationship on social media. After all, why would he want to keep it a secret? But if he's cheating, he'll keep his account private and be very unclear and secretive, even if he does post something about you.

So, don't dismiss the warning signs by thinking, "Oh, he's just shy." There's a good chance he's hiding something from you, which is why you're reading this article so attentively.

8. There’s a lack of communication

Signs he has multiple partners, Isn't it clear? When someone spends time with many people, the messages they send can easily be misunderstood or lost. You might end up feeling alone and thinking you're the only one who cares.

But when there's a lack of communication, there's also a lack of emotional closeness. The conversations might seem shallow and sometimes meaningless.

Talking openly and honestly is really important in a relationship. So, if he doesn't want to do that with you, it could be because you're not the only person he's involved with.

Read More - Signs an inmate Really Loves You

9. Not Concentration on Future

If he avoids discussing what might happen in the future, it could be a warning sign. These conversations don't always have to be about getting married or having children. They could also involve plans for a trip you both want to take or goals you want to achieve as a couple.

If you constantly feel like you're not making progress when you try to talk about these things, it's time to think about your situation.

It's good to enjoy the present moment, but both of you should be in the same mindset. If it seems like you're the only one thinking about the future of your relationship, it's likely that he's not ready to fully commit to you. He may also be interested in other girls and not ready to settle down.

10. Your Partner Prioritizing Their Time Over Yours

He always puts his time first, not yours. You have to adjust your schedule to fit his, like his meetings, work, and problems at home.

Think about whether he ever considers your comfort. If not, it could be because he has other partners and only sees you when it's convenient or necessary for him.

Remember, a caring partner would always appreciate your time and effort. If you feel like your relationship is missing that, it might be a good idea to investigate further.

11. You don’t know him so well

Take a moment to think about your relationship and consider how well you truly know the person you're with. Do you both have open conversations about your fears, insecurities, or even share your deepest secrets? Or is it mainly you who does all the talking and they never open up?

Keeping secrets in a relationship can lead to serious problems. One of those problems could be your partner cheating on you with multiple people. It's crucial to have a deep understanding of each other in order to build trust, and behaviors like this don't allow much room for that.

If your partner reveals too much, it becomes difficult for them to keep up with their lies, which is why they try to stay guarded. So, be mindful of these signs and don't ignore them.

12. Your Partner May Not Be Truly Interested

Every man who loves you would want to get to know you. If he only cares about sex and avoids meaningful conversations, there's a problem, girl!

If he spends time with many partners, he might not have the energy or interest to get to know anyone deeply.

So, be aware of these signs if you suspect your partner is being unfaithful.

13. He has commitment issues

Men who have trouble committing to relationships can be a warning sign. It's normal to feel unsure about a relationship, but being faithful to one person is an important part of being in a monogamous relationship.

If a man doesn't want to commit only to you, it could mean he's interested in other people as well.

If you're seeking a committed relationship, don't ignore these signs. This kind of betrayal can hurt you deeply and may be impossible to fix.